VSCR is proud to announce that its first Online Medical Affairs Training in GCC took place from 7-8 April 2021 for a professional medical affairs organisation located in Dubai and covering most of the Middle East countries.

Many thanks to Dr. Mohamed Fahmy of Headway DWC-LLC , Dubai , for the excellent cooperation and coordination .

VSCR faculty and topics for this training:

Univ. Prof. Dr. Heinrich Klech: Creating a high performance medical affairs organisation

Dr. Ingrid Klingmann: Translational Research – Clinical Research – Pharmacovigilance

Univ. Prof. Andreas Festa: Provision of scientific evidence – Multichannel communication. –  Role of the Medical liaison function

Mag. Margarete Schreiner-Karner: Codes of Good Promotion and Good Communication for Medicinal Products (IFMPA, EFPIA)