First  Health Outcome Research Diploma by VSCR and SFU

The university course module “From Evidence to Health Outcome models” took place from 18-19 October 2021 as online/virtual training. Participants came from Middle East, Brazil, Mexico, Zambia and Europe. More than 15 countries were represented.

The first students who completed three modules had been awarded with university diploma jointly issued by VSCR and Sigmund Freud University Vienna.

In cooperation with the Medical Faculty of Sigmund Freud University of Vienna, the students are now awarded with a university certificate and after successful completion of three modules with a university diploma (“Health Outcome Research Diploma”).


Dr. Jürgen Raths, Course director,  Geneva

Dr. Jörg Rustige, Germany

Dr. Steffen Wahler, Germany

For more information, plesae see link below