In cooperation with the Sigmund Freud University Vienna 

This program consists of three modules, each focusing on the knowledge and skills required for health outcomes research and health policy making which are designed and lectured by Prof. Lieven Annemans, Past President of ISPOR in cooperation with  other members of the VSCR faculty.

The program and its 3 modules will provide the latest knowledge about

  • The basic principles of Health Economy and health outcome models
  • The provision of health outcome data within the framework of evidence based medicine
  • The basic processes and varied natures (landscapes) of Health Technology Assessments (HTA)
  • The skills and science behind successful submissions of value dossiers for HTA, reimbursement , market access and successful commercialization

FACULTY: The faculty is comprised of experienced lecturers and experts from academia, governmental authorities, health policy institutions.
Program Directors


The program is created for members/employees of

Pharmaceutical/Biotech/Medical Device/Industry

Medical, Marketing, Regulatory, Market Access, General Management, etc.

Health Insurers
Health Care Providers / Commissioners
HTA & Consultancy Agencies
Educational & Research Institutions
Health Policy Organizations

The interactive atmosphere during the course ensures effective communication with the faculty and fosters professional exchange and networking between the participants.

Each single module can be booked  and attended individually. To subscribe to the 3-module diploma is not mandatory.

Elective modules are part of the overall Diploma program. However, can be registered also individually.

This special course is an elective module of the Diploma program HEALTH OUTCOME RESEARCH-MARKET ACCESS provided by VSCR and the Sigmund Freud University Vienna (SFU).
However, it can be booked also as an independent module on its own as well.
Target group: Market Access specialists and Key Account Managers, Regulatory and Medical Managers, Purchase Managers in hospitals

For more information, please click here.

strong>COURSE LANGUAGE: English

Currently the program and its modules will be entirely rolled out virtually (online).

Each of these modules are now awarded with a university certificate if  successfully attended. In case of a successful attendance/ performance of all three modules  an academic diploma – HEALTH OUTCOME – RESEARCH DIPOLMA – will be awarded jointly by the SFU and VSCR.


Single module: 2,500 euros

Discounts upon request

Diploma ( completion of 3 modules): 6,000 euros


„The course gave me valuable insight for my professional work how HTA methodology is utilized by payer organisations.“

Regional market Access Manager, Merck, Sharp & Dohme

„I valued very much the real life examples showing the various aspects of successful market access strategies.“

Market Access Specialist Europe, Novartis

„I learned a lot through the interactions with representatives from payer organisations who also participated in the course module.“

Regional Market Access Lead, sanofi

„The group exercises are thoughtful and well guided. It helps me in my day to day work.“

Market Access Middle East, Eli Lilly

Get inspired by previous participants and lecturers


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