Teaching the future

Starting in March 2016 VSCR is continuing its activities as an independent postgraduate educational center and is providing accredited educational events, seminars and courses for physicians and related health professionals. VSCRs educational programe is focusing on medical science and innovation and how such progress will find its way to patients. VSCRs international advisory board is responsible for the selection of topics and teachers and guarantees highest standards in medical postgraduate education. VSCRs educational program complies with the European criteria of UEMS EACCME for medical postgraduate education, ENQA as well as the IMI Quality criteria. In Austria the national criteria of the DFP will be fulfilled. VSCR will further expand its international network .

European Union of Medical Specialists

European Accreditation Council for CME (Continuous Medical Education)

European Association of Quality Assurance for Higher Medical Education

Innovative Medical Initiative

Diplomfortbildungs Programm der Österreichischen Ärztekammer