MARKET ACCESS MIX and Value Creation

VSCR´s 2 days basic capabilities and training program for MARKET Access and Key Account Management

KEY Speaker: Prof. Lieven Annemans 16-17 January 2023

Value co-creation via Market Access and Key Account Management can be obtained via the use of five ad hoc “levers”: product performance; economic impact; institutional relationship; commercial organization; and communication which facilitate and promote the introduction, adoption and use of the product in the market and co-create value among the different stakeholders involved in the process. (Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, Volume 36, Iss. 13 (2021):199–209)

See figure enclosed.

Thus, VSCR recommends a 2 days basic capabilities and training program

Target population: Key account managers, Medical, Regulatory, Product specialists, Country managers, Regional Sales managers, Medical science liaisons

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