Die Vienna School of Clinical Research, Public Health und Medical Education ist ein Fortbildungsinstitut und in Österreich als eine Non-Profit-Organisation registriert.
Wien / AT
Prim. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ludwig Kramer
Wien / AT
Date and place of birth:30-11-1964, Wolfsberg, Austria
Citizenship: Austria
Family Status: married, 1 son
School education: Primary School 1971-74, secondary 1975-83, maturity exam 23-6-1983
Medical education: 1984-1992 Vienna University Medical School; 1990/91 Research Fellow, 1st Medical Clinic, University Vienna, with Prof K. Lenz, Prof G. Grimm.
Postgraduate Education: 1992-1998: Specialist training in Internal Medicine, Department of Medicine IV (Head: Prof A.Gangl)
1996: Research Associate with Prof Roger Williams CBE, Institute of Liver Studies, King’s College Hospital, London, UK.
2001: Specialist degree for Medical and General Intensive Care Medicine
2002: Radiology training (sonography, computed tomography).
2003/5: in-depth training and Specialist degree in Gastroenterology (endoscopy, clinical hepatology, gastroenterology)
2004- 2007: INTERREG diplomate for clinical research and EBM, Vienna School of Clinical research
Invitations: Invited lecturer at national and international scientific meetings organized by the European Association for the Study of Liver diseases (EASL), European Society of Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation (EDTA), National Institute of Health (Bethesda, USA), European Society for Artificial Organs (ESAO), European Society of Intensive Care Medicine, Eur Academy Ansthesiol., Societa italiana di anestesia analgesia rianimazione e terapia intensiva, ISFA, Fortis Health Care India, etc.
Peer reviewer (selection): Gastroenterology, Hepatology, J Hepatology, Intensive Care Medicine, Critical Care Medicine, Liver International, Nephrol Dial Transplant, Am J Med., Am J Nephrol., Eur J Clin Invest, Eur J Ultrasound, Wiener Klin Wochenschrift, Clin Neurophysiol, Therapeutic Apheresis and Dialysis, diabetologia, Diabetes Care, J Hum hypertension, PLOS ONE, Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management; Hepatic Medicine: Evidence and Research, Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology.,
12/1999 Theodor-Billroth Prize (1.) Ärztekammer Wien
10/2000 Paracelsus Award, Austrian Society for Internal Medicine.
12/2011: Health Prize, City of Vienna
Academic positions:
2002: Lecturer in Internal Medicine, University of Vienna
2005-2007: Program coordinator for Internal Medicine, Bernhard Gottlieb Zahnklinik, Vienna
2006-2007 Voting Member, Study Commission, Medical University Vienna
Other activities:
2010-2013: Delegate for Vienna Health Goals, City of Vienna
2010-2013: Member of the Task Force Obesity, City of Vienna
2009-current: Referent for professional policies, Austrian Society for Gastroenterology & Hepatology
March 2013: National Delegate, European Board of Gastroenterology & Hepatology (EBGH)
January 2014: Chair, CME committee, EBGH
2015: elected representative of Hietzing physicians
Current clinical position: March 1, 2008: Head, 1st Dept with Gastroenterology, Krankenhaus Hietzing, Vienna.
Clinical trial experience: 1998-2015 Principal Investigator of academic studies in Hepatology, Intensive Care Medicine and General Internal Medicine, and of phase 2-4 studies involving patients with liver disease, viral infection, bleeding and coagulation disorders, inflammatory bowel disease and extracorporeal detoxification in liver disease.