Die Vienna School of Clinical Research, Public Health und Medical Education ist ein Fortbildungsinstitut und in Österreich als eine Non-Profit-Organisation registriert.

Sandor Kerpel-Fronius
Sandor Kerpel-Fronius
Budapest / HUBudapest/HU

Prof. Dr. med. Sandor Kerpel-Fronius

Sandor Kerpel-Fronius

Budapest / HUBudapest/HU


Professor of Clinical Pharmacology

Semmelweis Medical University

Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy

Budapest, Hungary


Dr. Kerpel-Fronius was born in Budapest, Hungary, November 4, 1940. He obtained medical diploma at the Semmelweis University in 1964. At the same university he received board certificates in Clinical Laboratory Sciences and Clinical Pharmacology in 1977 and 1980, respectively. From 1964 to 1975 he worked in neurobiology at the Semmelweis University. In 1967-68 he was a research fellow at the Karolinska Institute, Stockholm and 1972 to 1974 a Sloan Fellow at the Maryland Psychiatric Research Center in the US. From 1975 to 1989 he led a clinical pharmacologic research group at the National Institute of Oncology in Hungary. In 1988 he spent a sabbatical year at the Cancer Center of the Wayne State University, Detroit, US. 1989-2001 he worked in clinical drug development within the international pharmaceutical industry. In 2001 he became Professor of Clinical Pharmacology at the Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy of the Semmelweis University. He was the General Director of the Hungarian National Institute of Pharmacy (Hungarian Drug Regulatory Agency) in 2002. Presently he is retired but continues to teach clinical pharmacology as Senior Scientific Advisor. In addition, he participates as lecturer of medicines development at several international courses. Committee memberships: IFAPP Board of Officers, Head of the IFAPP Working Group on Ethics; Educational Subcommittee of the EACPT (finished 2015); Executive Board of the IMI-PharmaTrain; Member of the St Steven Academy of Sciences, Hungary. Chairman of the Natural Sciences Section, 2001).

Robert Mader
Robert Mader
Wien / AT

ao Univ.-Prof. Dr. Robert Mader

Robert Mader

Wien / AT


Prof. Robert M. Mader, D. Sc.
Clinical Division of Oncology, Department of Medicine I
Comprehensive Cancer Center of the Medical University of Vienna

Examinations and degrees:
D.Sc. in Technical Chemistry (Dr.techn.rer.nat., 1986) and Diploma in Technical Chemistry (DipI.lng., 1983)
Director for Translational Research at the Department of Medicine I, Medical University of Vienna (from 2010) and Associate professor and Program Director for „Molecular Pharmacology“ at the Comprehensive Cancer Center of the Medical University of Vienna
Activities as chair:
from 2010 Coordinator of the Research Cluster „Experimental Therapy and Drug Resistance“ at the Comprehensive Cancer Center Wien
2013-2014 Coordinator of the Task Force „Extravasation“ at the Comprehensive Cancer Center Vienna